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Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning surgery, is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting the shape or size of the ear. This procedure can be performed in cases where the ears are too large or too small, protrude forward or backward, or have folds or protrusions.
Otoplasty surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon cuts and shapes the cartilage tissue of the ear to achieve the desired appearance. In some cases, the skin tissue is also cut and reshaped to complete the procedure. Otoplasty surgery typically takes 1-2 hours.
The techniques used in otoplasty surgery vary depending on the patient's ear structure and the complexity of the correction to be made. The most commonly used techniques include:
In this technique, the surgeon cuts and reshapes the cartilage tissue of the ear to achieve the desired appearance.
In this technique, the surgeon reduces or increases the folds of cartilage tissue in the ear to achieve a more natural appearance.
Cutting and reshaping of skin tissue: In this technique, the surgeon cuts and reshapes the skin tissue of the ear to correct the size or shape of the ear.
Otoplasty surgery typically takes 1-2 hours. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the patient's ear structure and the complexity of the correction to be made. Surgeries requiring more complex corrections may take longer.
Patients can generally go home on the first day after otoplasty surgery. It is normal to experience pain and swelling after the surgery. This can be managed with pain relievers and cold compresses. Patients should revisit the doctor within 1 week after surgery to have the stitches removed. Full recovery may take several weeks.
Otoplasty surgery can be performed on those who need correction of the shape or size of the ear. Typically, otoplasty is considered in cases where the ears are too large or too small, protrude forward or backward, or have folds or protrusions. Candidates for surgery are generally in good overall health, do not smoke or have quit smoking before surgery. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women and those with certain chronic health conditions are not suitable candidates for otoplasty. A detailed evaluation should be done before surgery, and actions should be taken according to the surgeon's recommendations.
The results achieved after otoplasty surgery are generally permanent. However, it is important for patients to follow post-operative instructions and protect their ears from trauma to prevent any shape deformities in the ear pinna.
The ideal age range for otoplasty surgery is 6-14 years old. At this age, the ear pinna is fully developed, and the results of the surgery are more permanent.
In children under 6 years of age, the ear pinna is not fully developed, so the results of the surgery may not be permanent. Therefore, otoplasty surgery is generally not recommended in this age group. Otoplasty surgery can also be performed after the age of 14. However, after this age, the ear pinna becomes harder, and shaping it during surgery may be more difficult.
Prior to otoplasty surgery, patients should take certain precautions. Firstly, smoking and alcohol use can delay wound healing and increase the risk of infection. Therefore, patients should avoid smoking and alcohol for at least 2 weeks before surgery. Also, the use of medications such as aspirin, which have a blood-thinning effect, should be discontinued before surgery; because these medications can increase the risk of bleeding. It is also important to follow the doctor's instructions. Among the doctor's recommendations may be to come to surgery on an empty stomach, bring comfortable clothes, avoid wearing makeup or jewelry on the day of surgery, and have all necessary medications with them.
The costs of otoplasty surgery may vary depending on the surgeon's experience, the location of the hospital, and the complexity of the correction to be made. On average, the costs of otoplasty surgery range from 5,000 TL to 15,000 TL.
After otoplasty surgery, patients should follow their doctor's instructions. These instructions may include:
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